Cody Lee Pey
Outside the Bar
I follow Brooks as he follows Dean
as he follows Fabio who I don’t know
besides how his ass looks in leather. And
all of us are too drunk to make a choice,
or be left alone, in the heat of De-
cember. And then I mistake the neon
name of the bar for an omen. So
I stand in the intersection. These men will
confess to me how small their lives are and
then climb inside of me. And I will mis-
take all of their burdens and victories
as mine, as Brooks and Dean and Fabio
confess I don’t have, I don’t have, I don’t
have until I, too, chant the same tune.
Annie Ernaux said: “Only beginnings
are truly beautiful,” with which I disagree.
Still the beer is with us, on the table,
warm in the ice bucket.

Cody Lee Pey is a queer writer and palliative care social worker. Their work has been published in the Bear Review, The Offing, and X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, amongst others. They can be found on Instagram @codyleepey.