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Leila Bilick

Sonnet To Say Nothing

To say nothing of the dead, of dust 

There was a time when cactus vendors wrung their paddles for lime-green juice 

Now senseless bells ring in bereaved

market air. Desolate city, I sit and lament 

In grief the sun makes monstrous 

shadow puppets on the prostrate bodies 

of temple walls and questions that fall before 

they have a chance to rise 

are laid out beneath white sheets where once the baker boasted in his stall

Become moan, become the wailing O of the mouth  

which I enter, dark cave, and where 

I die 

                                 and bide my time

and awaken

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Leila Bilick’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Action, Spectacle; American Literary Review; Lilith Magazine; The Coachella Review; and Soundings East, among others. She has an MA in English from UMass Boston and lives in Los Angeles with her two daughters.


Bear Review



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