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Lynne Potts


Is sitting by a hollow tree trunk

with another month to go


you can’t find your car keys

you can’t think what July looks like


snow exposing road kill

broken bottles outside McDonald’s


a few Johnny-jump-ups

phony forget-me-nots


junk in the alley

junco on the fence


sticky sap in the maples

pregnant magnolias but not yet


it’s all stagnant potential

bats stuck to attic rafters


I braced myself against

a wind tunnel by the Hancock


pigeons threw crumbs at me

I threw them back


Everyone acts like March is nothing

but it should be locked up. 


Lynne Potts has three published books of poetry, two as winners of National Poetry Review Press contests. The third by Glass Lyre Press. In addition, more than 150 of Lynne’s poems have appeared in journals such in Paris Review, Yale Review, The Southern Review, American Letters, California Quarterly, Carolina Quarterly, Cincinnati Review, Conduit, Commentary, Confrontation, Denver Quarterly, Georgetown Review, Meridian, New American Writing, Southern Humanities Review and many others. Lynne has been the recipient of several awards including four fellowships. She lives in Boston and New York.

Bear Review


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