Aleks Zywicki
in the stickerbook
made to look like a house
where the stickers are all
the things that go in a house
there are grayed-out spaces
my daughter calls shadows
in the shape & in the places
where the stickers are to go
there is a grayed-out shape
of a teapot on the stove
that is not grayed-out &
the grayed-out shape of a woman
sitting across a table that is not
grayed-out from an old man
who is not grayed-out
& not drinking tea either
because she is not there
to make it for him to fill
the kettle shadow space
on the stove or she is
making it but not for him
in the grayed-out house
of shadows in the shapes of all
the things that go in a house

Aleks Zywicki is a teacher of English and creative writing at The Hudson School, in Hoboken NJ. He received an MFA from the New School, where he studied poetry. His work appears (or is forthcoming) in: Plume, Gulf Coast, Landlocked, Right Hand Pointing, The Inquisitive Eater, and Armchair Shotgun. His chapbook was selected as a finalist in the 2024 Two Sylvias Chapbook Contest. He received a poetry fellowship from the Martha’s Vineyard Institute for Creative Writing. He lives in Montclair with his family.