Alison Prine
No One Hurt Me Without Loving Me First
I was thinking of you
when I came across a pair of wings
submerged at the edge of the clear lake
without a body
joined by a bone
moving in the gentle waves
as if in flight
but without a body there is no bird
there is no memory
whether or not you are good
at forgiveness
is what I was thinking at the time
then about the shoulder bones
of a blackbird
the strength of certain memories
that move beneath the surface
where we hold
all of our desires
even the desire to hurt
do birds love the sky
or the shoreline that touches me
like someone else’s story
have you heard of a blackbird drowning
do you have dreams of flying
in mine it’s like swimming through air
it’s like saying goodbye to everyone at once

Alison Prine’s debut collection of poems, Steel (Cider Press Review, 2016) was named a finalist for the 2017 Vermont Book Award. Her poems have appeared in Ploughshares, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Five Points, Harvard Review, and Prairie Schooner among others. She lives and works in Burlington, Vermont. Visit her at