Jessica Comola
Cows don’t come home here anymore, the loudspeaker shouts
In the caskets, all the grandmothers swear
into their mouths and shake their heads
A wobble bumblebee shakes her head
I am baying like a bird that ignites upon contact with the air
I feel like a hearth, old in the earth
I feel light as a drowsy curtain
I recall sleeping as an infant
A bleating ship sail sclose to the winda spossible
Weird Sisters warp in the celestial cloths of the Townsfolk Closet
Homespun lore running into everything with its scissors
Weird Sisters turn their weird Bambi heads slowly toward me
Rain descends to the earth in a magnet,
shaking the whole body like an iron in a dryer

Jessica Comola is a poet and multimedia artist. See more of her work at or follow her on Instagram @jlcomola